Reality, Propaganda, Informed Consent, and The Mark of the Beast

Let me begin with a few bits of context. I am not an “anti-vaxxer”, despite being labeled as one in the last few months (my daughters have all standard vaccinations- even our dogs get their “shots”. I have also frequently been labeled as a conspiracy theorist, despite my record of debunking such craziness – though I do consider myself one who seeks truth, even when it challenges my opinions and beliefs. And finally, while I do believe we are getting closer day-by-day to the return of Jesus Christ, I don’t automatically assume every world event is a prophecy being fulfilled. And finally, I believe in free speech, even when the opinions and views contradict my own views. Indeed, I believe that free speech and debate are hallmarks of a genuinely-free nation. Even the LORD told Isaiah “come let us reason together” (Isaiah 1:18). At the same time, I have deep-seated hate for lies, for obvious propaganda, and for “mandating” anything. I have remained fairly quiet here on this page regarding the last 20 or so months of the “COVID Pandemic”. I’ve not been silent in other forums, but I have for the most part tried to simply soak in all the information I can, to speak to health care professionals (including my own Primary Care Physician), and by simply keeping a running tabulation of cases, severity, and context for those diagnosed, treated, vaccinated, etc. I have attended community meetings, political meetings, Governor’s Townhall, And most recently, I have watched not only our nation’s supply and manufacturing sectors crippled, our economy loaded with skyrocketing (related to the previous) inflation, and policies being implemented that literally fly in the very face of the “science” we are constantly told to follow – which only exacerbates the supply chain, inflation, and even the health care crisis.

But the time for silence is over…

From early in 2020, as news began to emerge from China regarding this “new” CoV-2 virus, dubbed “COVID-19), theories of its origins were all over the map, but the most consistently attacked and dismissed until only very recently, was that the virus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China (where the first explosion of cases was located). Fingers pointed at a “wet market” and bats or other animals used for food. China vehemently denied any connection and claimed it was natural. But we now know it was all a total lie and attempt to cover it up. Even much-vaunted US “expert” and longstanding head of the NIH aided in the dismissal and denials – until Senator Rand Paul finally spoke up, with documentation in hand, proving that Fauci’s NIH had illegally funded “gain of function” research on this exact virus for several years – at the very lab that had been earlier identified. Even more disturbing are patent filings for the exact virus genetic sequences – patent applications (and eventually-granted patents) all under direct violations of several laws, were submitted and re-submitted until granted. Included in said filings we also find vaccines of a new kind included. More on that later.

From March’s sudden mass closures and shutdowns, all under the greatest of assurances that 15 days would flatten the curve and we could get back to normal, we have seen a rapid degradation in public trust – or so I thought. Former President Trump, in his attempt to be a cheerleader and motivational leader, tried to paint a positive face, but those in power behind the scenes were rapidly working to undermine him. AS the virus spread and deaths began mounting, fear became the weapon of choice. And what an effective weapon it was. 15 days became 15 weeks or more in some states. Other state governors decided to buck the system and reopen (slowly in most cases). Some with more success than others. Here in the state of Arkansas, our governor began fairly well, but when federal dollars began rolling in in unprecedented amounts, he turned soft and actually began regurgitating propaganda to try to gain compliance by the public. We now know that in addition to massive cash payments to states for every day they maintained a disaster declaration (even when cases in no way merited it). Further, in the last few months, information got out that every school district that maintained restrictions and/or mask mandates also got huge injections of unrestricted cash. In some districts, it took lawsuits to end mask mandates.

And now, we have an executive order from President Joe Biden, to be enforced via OSHA regulation, that all companies with over 100 employees in any form, must require all workers to be “fully vaccinated” (the definition of which is also still evolving). Even before this EO, many large employers including Walmart Corporation mandated these shots under penalty of being terminated. Among the most egregious of these have come from major hospitals, where nurses, doctors, therapists, and even maintenance crews who were deemed “heroes” for nearly 12 months, now were relegated to useless scum if they didn’t want to submit to the vaccine mandates. Many had contracted the virus and recovered (giving them superior protection than any injection), while others simply objected on a variety of personal grounds.

Propaganda and Fear

Every ugly mass atrocity requires at least some public cooperation. I’ve often heard stories of Nazi Germany and the questions of how so many, even professed Christians, could be either directly complicit by their actions, or indirectly via their complacency. Even the vast majority of the Catholic and Lutheran leadership of the day went along, either willingly helping to spew propaganda (and yes, some were deeply antisemitic), or passively by not speaking out. Yet record after record from that horrific regime pointed to a reality of how easy it really was to gain compliance: Fear.

Fear is a powerful motivator, and what we have witnessed for nearly 20 months has been nothing short of a total capitalization of widespread fearmongering via propaganda and intentionally-misleading data manipulation. From day one, the standards for reporting the cause of death changed, but only for this particular virus. At first, many laughed at the absurdity that a rider killed in a motorcycle accident could have been counted as a COVID death – until we found out it actually happened. Those patients who simply presented with COVID-like symptoms (90% of which mimic the seasonal flu or common cold plus pneumonia) were counted. But case by case (with even lawsuits filed by grieving family members offended that their deceased loved one was counted even though they had no symptoms). But then I watched it happen with my own eyes – a church member who “tested positive”, but never had a single symptom (not even the loss of taste), who died because she was denied dialysis for far too long. Yet because of the positive diagnosis – COVID was clearly listed as a cause of death. And then the CDC quietly issues a soft recall on what had become the primary diagnosis tool – the PCR test. Apparently, the creator of the test was not lying when he went public saying that the test was not reliable, and further – the systematic (and mandated) over-cycling of the samples would generate massively false positives. But the CDC’s “recall” doesn’t firmly go into effect until the end of 2021 – leaving massive doubts as to even the reliability of the total “positives” that so many economic and life-changing decisions have been made.

But above all of this was raised up a great hope: Vaccines. With major pharmaceutical companies taking advantage of the 1986 legilsation harmlessly titled “National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act”, which literally absolved drug companies of any and all liability related to injury or death caused or exacerbated by their products under the guise of “vaccine”. In literally record time, a handful of manufacturers were given taxpayer funding and guaranteed contracts for hundreds of millions of doses – even before a final, proven, and safe product was released. Pfizer, MOdeerna, and Johnson & Johnson were finally chosen for the US market. The first two utilize a brand new technology – one that had consistently failed miserably in animal testing. Introducing “mRNA” therapy. A means of reprogramming cells of the body to produce proteins that were to interfere with virus activity. In the case of the COVID vaccines (this is over-simplified), this gene therapy would trigger the production of the same kind of spike protein the target virus produces – somehow interfering with the virus attaching and functioning. One (of many) problems: for the previous 8+ months, we had been told that it was the spike protein causing the most damaging and dangerous symptoms. Who to believe? Don’t ask – just obey or you might die!

We were told that as soon as a vaccine was produced, life would quickly return to “normal”. The President (Biden) even claimed “100% effective in preventing you from getting or transmitting the virus”. Yet as soon as the second major variant of the virus went wild (we were told from the beginning that the CoV-type viruses readily and regularly mutate naturally) – the vaccines showed an alarming lack of efficacy. And this is where things get truly insane – Doctors who had originally been radically pushing the shots began to question things. They saw statistically-significant adverse reactions. Patients were even dying after receiving the injections. But they were told it was not outside of the “norm”. But then these vaccinated patients began testing positive at rates equal to the unvaccinated. My own doctor has backed off pushing these vaccines, as has my wife’s. A growing number of doctors and health care providers have chosen to not even get the shots themselves (and are facing loss of positions, jobs, or practice). And amid the ongoing demands that everyone gets vaccinated, the evidence points to the likelihood that fully-vaccinated people are just as likely to spread the virus as the unvaccinated. As this troubling data has emerged and now is well-documented, the effort to cover it up, to sugar coat it, to put some kind of spin on it has intensified – to now include the call for regular boosters every few months to maintain your “vaccinated” status. And all of this with an ever-expanding demand that everyone gets vaccinated.

And dare ask about the unprecidented increase in well-conditioned athletes who are showing up with major heart conditions (primarily myocarditis and pericarditis) within days of receiving their doses of the vaccines. This has been particularly evident in the realm of international sports like soccer where all players have been required to get vaccinated. The situation is so grim that the official reporting has been shut down.

Yet we have seen similar results here in the US – with our own VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) of which the reports have exceeded the numbers of adversee reactions and deaths of every prior vaccination in over a century. Even more, suspicious is that some doctors and administrators have claimed to have been told explicitly to NOT report adverse reactions to the official system (even though reporting is supposed to be mandatory). Why would anyone try to interfere with reporting adverse reactions unless they were trying to preserve a narrative?

My own obseervations – As a pastor, my own observation within both my church family and network has concerned me. Of the funerals I have done in the last two years where the death was attributed to COVID, the maority now were vaccinated! Of those getting the most ill – have in the last few months been vaccinated. I have seen adverse reactions with my own eyes. I have spoken to a parent whose son was in the CCU with myocarditis brought by the vaccine. I’ve more recently heard of a young lady who received the vaccines while pregnant – she and her baby both developed blood clot and/or cardiac and respiratory issues requiring ICU care. But doctors are afraid to officially label it an adverse reaction.

And now we are supposed to expand vaccinations to children as young as 5 years old? A subgroup that has a statistically insignificant chance of becoming seriously ill or dying from the virus these vaccines are intended to prevent? At the same time, younger patients are at a significantly higher risk of developing those heart inflammations mentioned above, as well as blood clotting issues.

And overall – the expanding list of vaccine-related reactions is astounding – and we now know that most of them were listed in the initial filings to the FDA!

So we have three “vaccines”, two of whic are not even true vaccines in the traditional sense but are gene therapies that we have absolutely no track record or history to even guess the long-term safety of (but we have a whole lot of evidence of serious safety issues in the short-term). And one vaccine (J&J) that is a modified but still more traditional vaccine. But even its efficacy is now in question having been developed so quickly.

And note – beyond the elimination of a fundamenttal basic right of “informed consent”, which has been a bastion of our medical system and practice for over a hundred years, I have not even jumped into the ethical issues regarding the development of these products.

The Mark of the Beast

I recall reading the Tim LaHaye/Jerry Jenkins Left Behind book series in the early 2000s. One of the biggest puzzles of the storyline is just HOW an anti-Christ could get nearly 100% compliance with an embedded “mark”. And while I don’t agree with significant portions of those authors’ eschatology, the question has been answered in the last few months, with nearly precision alignment with that fictional book. Beginning with a friendly suggestion, then request, to offering financial or prize incentives, but quickly moving to the taking away activities and privileges (must be vaccinated to enter a concert venue, or to take off the ineffective face masks), and now to even go to work and earn a paycheck to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. Since fear didn’t completely work, only setting the propaganda machine and narrative in place (and making it much harder for those who bought in early to face being shown wrong), it is now deemed ok to literally deny people a livelihood, and in some areas – to deny them even basic health care if they choose to not take these injections. Even when the firing of employees exacerbates already over-taxed systems like health care and manufacturing – the attitude is – you WILL receive the vaccine, one-way or another. There is even serious talk of vaccinating people who are in a coma or are otherwise incapacitated (rememer that “informed consent concept?).

Lotto tickets for getting vaccine!

Do I believe that these shots are the Mark of the Beast? No. Yet it certainly makes clear how such a thing could be accomplished – via fear, then by taking away literally everything. I’ve seen heartwrenching, real videos of children being literally ripped from their parent’s arms to have the injections forced on them because parents refused.

I have also seen how religious leaders could become active participants in the forcing of shots. From those who shamed church members who sought religious exemptions, to even the previous President of my own Baptist association shaming any messengers who were still resistent to the vaccine (he demanded attendees who were not fully vaccinated to wear a face mask, even as the evidence was coming to light of the ineffective nature of the vaccines in regards to preventing spread, and despite the meeting being held in a state that stopped mask mandates).

I have seen family turn against family, churches split, friends divided, and truth dismissed for the sake of a narrative. I was actually not against the idea of a vaccine. I was actually even open to receiving one, once enough safety and efficacy data was accuulated and vetted. Sadly, when officials and society begin to implement mandates, and refuse to acknowledge even well-documented evidence – when they (along with social media giants and news media outlets) seek to censor or completely shut down any and all questions, to try to hide cases, and to alienate (or even attack) doctors with proven and well-documented track records of treating actual COVID patients with old and inexpensive medications with proven safety records, only to be labeled with a package of horse dewormer and wild accusations. Something stinks. And the best-case scenario is that there were some good intentions early on, but so many succumbed to the propaganda and literally gave themselves over to the pressure – and now simply are trying to save face…

But as a friend reegularly says: Always follow the money. Look at how many of those making the demands and requirements are major stakeholders in the same companies making the vaccines. Look at how many have gained unprecedented power. Just think – regardless of one’s politcial views or opinions regarding the 2020 election- one thing is for certain, the “COVID-19 Pandemic” was a major component in how it turned out.

And I will close with some truly sad tweets. They are from a real mom, who began as a proud pro-vaccine mother who had scared her son into believing the narrative, and as soon as he could get the shots – he did. The drama that unfolded, even just through her social media posts is heartbreaking – but at least she finally had her eyes opened. I pray for here son – but I pray even more that parents would wake up BEFORE her story, becomes their story.

I’m frequently told that my obseervations and experiences are “anecdotal”. I’m sure many have labeled the above experience by that mom the same way. Or the thousands of families with loved ones who died or were seriously harmed by these “vaccines” who undoubtedly have been told the same thing.

If you, with active consultation with your doctor(s), with serious prayer and consideration of ALL available information, to get vaccinated – that is informed consent – and while I may disagree with you, that is your choice. But if you shame me for choosing, having done all of the above and much more in diligent pursuit of the right thing to do, to not recievee these shots – shame on you.

And if you seek to take away people’s means of feeding their family and providing shelter over the shots – shame on you.

But if you truly believe that a manmade vaccine has moree bearing on how long you will live than our Holy, Sovereign, and Righteous Creator – you need to repent and seek Jesus.

And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment, so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.

Hebrews 9:27-28

6 thoughts on “Reality, Propaganda, Informed Consent, and The Mark of the Beast

    1. The VAERS data now shows over 14,000 deaths. The CDC has been applying a much more stringent filter in its efforts to his the reality than they apply to so-called “COVID deaths”. The hypocrisy is stunning, yet unsurprising.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The CDC’s campaign has been to “sanitize” the VAERS reports. But their “standard” falls in the realm of hypocrisy at best. It also doesn’t answer why or where the pressure for doctors, clinics, hospitals, etc. to NOT report adverse reactions is coming from. And in this vein, I am aware of cases (directly aware) of obvious adverse reactions that were NOT reported. Further – a LOT of people just suck it up and stick it out until and unless the symptoms get unbearable. Makes one logically wonder how many future health problems will actually be the product of long-term issues from adverse reactions. Whether it be blood clots (one of the more commons adverse reactions), to the heart inflammation issues that are also a know complication… I’ve also become aware of a mother who got the injection at about her 6th month of pregnancy – and now she has a strange blood clot problem and so does her baby (with no doctor so far being able to explain it). We may never have a handle on how many actual problems these injections are connected to.

        And all for a supposed treatment that even Bill Gates this week admitted doesn’t prevent infection or spread of the virus.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Thankyou for all the information and posts. I am a member of plm. My place of employeement recently passed a mandate for vaccines. I do have my membership papers and letter if declination that I intend to file with them.

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