Reformation Day, and a Call For a NEW Reformation!

For many, October 31 is known as "Halloween", but for others, it represents something far more important to church history - Reformation Day.Just what IS "Reformation Day"? It is an official holiday in some areas of Europe (particularly heavily-Lutheran Germany) and in Chile, and observed by some protestants that celebrates the "95 Theses" of Martin Luther, … Continue reading Reformation Day, and a Call For a NEW Reformation!

Soft, Gushy, Dead Faith and the Modern Church

There is a disease in this nation (spreading around the globe) that is far worse than Ebola. This disease doesn't typically ravage you physical health quite as directly as Ebola or other viral diseases, yet it most certainly leads to death.This disease is Dead Faith.This is the disease that James wrote of in James 2 that … Continue reading Soft, Gushy, Dead Faith and the Modern Church