Painful Side of Discernment Ministry (#ClaytonJennings):UPDATE

UPDATE: Clayton Jennings (or more likely a follower/paid hacker) has hacked the web site hosting the evidence in the latest situation – taking down just the pages with Clayton Jennings information.  An additional link is provided below with an alternate page with the evidence – graphic warning still applies).

Biblically, Christ-followers are called to exercise discernment, to warn of sin, and call others to repentance. We should have a particular burden to protect one another, especially the less mature believers.

The hopeful outcome when calling sinners (including professed believers) to repentance is that they would humble themselves before our Holy God and turn from their sins and see restoration.

Sadly, many refuse to repent and continue in their pride-filled sin. This is most destructive when they are in positions of power, especially supposed spiritual leadership, and are using their celebrity status to deceive ever-more literal victims.

Such is the case with the celebrity Clayton Jennings, who has rebelled against the many calls to turn from his wickedness, even threatening the very women he victimized, rejecting the discipline of his church, and walking in extreme evil, while STILL claiming to be a Christian minister. And we now know that the number of victim’s to his perverted actions continue to mount, along with the denials.

So, the below linked page became necessary to counter Mr. Jennings’ verbal, video, and digital denials, threats, and literal attacks. Caution, the linked page is extremely ugly to view. Viewer discretion is advised. (was recently down – hacked by Jennings’ people).


If you know someone who is a follower/fan of Clayton Jennings, please care enough about them to share the truth. This is not an attack, but a call to repentance and restoration via the Truth.

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